========================================================================= INFO-ATARI16 Digest Fri, 1 Dec 89 Volume 89 : Issue 734 Today's Topics: Did I come from the desktop? Did I miss something? (concerning FORM) GEM help wanted How to get new members?? Off the subj, but very relevant Rainbow Tos Porblems (2 msgs) Still searching...close Trash, Disks, etc. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 29 Nov 89 18:22:53 GMT From: nis!pwcs!stag!daemon@UMN-CS.CS.UMN.EDU (Dale Schumacher) Subject: Did I come from the desktop? Message-ID: <1989Nov29.182253.2681@stag.UUCP> [jmw@tasis.utas.oz.au@munnari.oz (John Williams) writes...] > A recent article suggested three possible methods by which a process could > determine whether it was being run from the desktop or from a shell. I'd like > to suggest another method which works for me. I don't suggest that it is > foolproof however. It simply requires moving the basepage ptr up to its parent > until it becomes null. If this requires three iterations then the program > is running from the desktop. Any more and it is running from a shell. Alright, I guess it's time to post this message again (is this the 3rd time now?). The quoted message is mostly correct, but incomplete. The situation is slightly different if you're in the /AUTO/ folder programs at boot-time. I check for the text-base pointer pointing to ROM, as recommended by Alan Pratt @ Atari. The following code (which, like John's code, assumes access to a basepage pointer) uses this "approved" method. I've also included a copy of from dLibs for those who don't know the layout of the basepage structure. /***********************************************************************/ #include #define FROM_AUTO 0 #define FROM_DESKTOP 1 #define FROM_SHELL 2 camefrom() ? register BASEPAGE *p = _base; register int n = 0; p = p->p_parent; if((((long) (p->p_tbase)) & 0x800000L) == 0L) return(FROM_SHELL); while(p = p->p_parent) ++n; return((n == 1) ? FROM_AUTO : ((n == 2) ? FROM_DESKTOP : FROM_SHELL)); ? /***********************************************************************/ /* * BASEPAGE.H Definition of the basepage structure */ #ifndef BASEP_H #define BASEP_H typedef struct basep ? char *p_lowtpa; /* pointer to self (bottom of TPA) */ char *p_hitpa; /* pointer to top of TPA + 1 */ char *p_tbase; /* base of text segment */ long p_tlen; /* length of text segment */ char *p_dbase; /* base of data segment */ long p_dlen; /* length of data segment */ char *p_bbase; /* base of BSS segment */ long p_blen; /* length of BSS segment */ char *p_dta; /* pointer to current DTA */ struct basep *p_parent; /* pointer to parent's basepage */ char *p_reserved; /* reserved for future use */ char *p_env; /* pointer to environment string */ long p_undef[20]; /* scratch area... don't touch */ char p_cmdlin[128]; /* command line image */ ? BASEPAGE; extern BASEPAGE *_base; #endif BASEP_H /***********************************************************************/ \\ / Dale Schumacher 399 Beacon Ave. \\ / (alias: Dalnefre') St. Paul, MN 55104-3527 >< ...umn-cs!midgard.mn.org!syntel!dal United States of America / \\ "What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the will to find out, / \\ which is the exact opposite." -Bertrand Russell ------------------------------ Date: 1 Dec 89 06:14:45 GMT From: attcan!utgpu!watserv1!bmaraldo@uunet.uu.net (Commander Brett Maraldo) Subject: Did I miss something? (concerning FORM) Message-ID: <261@watserv1.waterloo.edu> Did I miss the last two postings of FORM in binaries.atari.st? I didn't seem to get #16 and #17 (I have been anxiously waiting). If I did miss them can someone please mail them to me? Thanks Brett L Maraldo -- -------- Unit 36 Research --------- "Alien Technology Today" bmaraldo@watserv1.UWaterloo.ca ?uunet!clyde!utai?!watserv1!bmaraldo ------------------------------ Date: 30 Nov 89 15:10:12 GMT From: mcsun!tuvie!hpuviea!gernot@uunet.uu.net (Gernot Kunz) Subject: GEM help wanted Message-ID: <1218@hpuviea.UUCP> Dear GEM wizards, just recently I designed a dialog box with formatted box-texts in them. Those text boxes are not editable - I use them for output only. When the data is displayed I want the user to press one of the buttons on the box. So I call form_dial(tree, 0). This is when something strange happens. Although I called form_dial with '0' as a second argument (no start item) a text cursor also appears in one of the text boxes. It reacts to the cursor keys, ESC, DEL and BS. Fortunately the missing EDITABLE flag prohibits any real changes by the user, but still the cursor is annoying. Does anyone know how to get rid of this text cursor? Do I have to program my own form_dial() ? Regards Gernot --- Gernot Kunz gernot@hpuviea.UUCP Hewlett-Packard Austria GmbH, ...mcvax!tuvie!hpuviea!gernot A-1220 Vienna, Austria ...hplabs!hpfcla!hpbbn!hpuviea!gernot (0043) (222) 2500 x428 (9-18 CET) -- Gernot Kunz gernot@hpuviea.UUCP Hewlett-Packard Austria GmbH, ...mcvax!tuvie!hpuviea!gernot A-1220 Vienna, Austria ...hplabs!hpfcla!hpbbn!hpuviea!gernot (0043) (222) 2500 x428 (9-18 CET) ------------------------------ Date: 30 Nov 89 16:16:00 GMT From: inmet!hedger@uunet.uu.net Subject: How to get new members?? Message-ID: <30200026@inmet> Rich, I think the strongest thing you can do to get new members is to recruit through the local dealers. That's the place that you are going to reach new and existing ST users. I would print up cards, posters etc. and see if I could get them in all of the atari stores in town and in any neighboring towns. Make sure that your posters mention the BBS. After you get some members, I would talk to one of your local dealers and Atari about maybe having a guest lecturer come in and do a presentation. Maybe you could hold it at one of the stores. This is a fairly common practice in music stores. Anyway, if you can get some sort of presentation happening then Advertise that one event in the paper. Maybe throw a party and advertis in the science section of the paper for the party to recruit people. I don't belong to any users groups but these are just ideas that occurred to me. Hope this helps, ===================================================================== | | | Keith Hedger : ?...!?uunet!inmet!hedger hedger@inmet.inmet.com | | 'It is a sad, but beautiful world..........' | ===================================================================== ------------------------------ Date: 30 Nov 89 14:59:57 GMT From: njin!jvnca!njitgw!mars!parker@rutgers.edu (bruce parker cis fac) Subject: Off the subj, but very relevant Message-ID: <875@njitgw.njit.edu> The bill is HR 2712, not 2172 (at least that is what the White House comments line person told me.) Bruce Parker 305 Weston Hall (201) 596-3369 Computer and Information Science Department parker@mars.njit.edu New Jersey Institute of Technology ------------------------------ Date: 30 Nov 89 19:43:32 GMT From: fox!portal!atari!apratt@apple.com (Allan Pratt) Subject: Rainbow Tos Porblems Message-ID: <1839@atari.UUCP> rode@uniol.UUCP (Dirk Rode) writes: > yesterday I got a version of the TOS 1.4 as a disk version. The rest of your message doesn't matter. DO NOT USE DISK VERSIONS OF TOS 1.4 ANY MORE. If you experience the same problem with a ROM (EPROM) version of TOS 1.4, then you can start blaming it on the application or TOS. Not until then. The disk-based version was for developers to get a taste of TOS 1.4 early, and IT IS NOT A PRODUCT SUPPORTED BY ATARI. ============================================ Opinions expressed above do not necessarily -- Allan Pratt, Atari Corp. reflect those of Atari Corp. or anyone else. ...ames!atari!apratt ------------------------------ Date: 30 Nov 89 19:08:46 GMT From: fox!portal!atari!kbad@apple.com (Ken Badertscher) Subject: Rainbow Tos Porblems Message-ID: <1838@atari.UUCP> rode@uniol.UUCP (Dirk Rode) writes: | yesterday I got a version of the TOS 1.4 as a disk version. Aieeee!!! Where did you get it? Aren't ROMs available where you live? I _strongly_ advise against using _any_ disk based version of TOS, especially if you don't know its lineage. TOS ROMs have been available for years, and Rainbow TOS ROMs now for months (UK users aside - but that's another story, and hopefully one that is getting fixed). I'd like to echo the sentiments of another article here recently: How can Atari be expected to support an operating system if we don't know what's _really_ in it? Caveat Emptor. -- ||| Ken Badertscher (ames!atari!kbad) ||| Atari R&D System Software Engine / | \ #include ------------------------------ Date: 29 Nov 89 11:33:51 GMT From: eru!luth!sunic!tut!hydra!hylka!jalkio@bloom-beacon.mit.edu (Jouni Alkio, University of Helsinki, Finland) Subject: Still searching...close Message-ID: <1571@cc.helsinki.fi> > daniel@pkmab.se (Daniel Deimert) writes: > > | I'm still looking for some kind of information about how to program > | the new chips in the STe. > In a German magazine "ST-Magazine" issue 12/89 pages 64-66 there is quite complete description of the STE's new hardware registers and their meanings. I think this is the information you need. Jouni Alkio ------------------------------ Date: 1 Dec 89 08:09:53 GMT From: agate!saturn!ucscg.UCSC.EDU!dstr012@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (10003012) Subject: Trash, Disks, etc. Message-ID: <9911@saturn.ucsc.edu> Does anyone out there have or know where I can get a program to change the Trash and file cabinet icons on the desktop? The old desktop is getting pretty boring and I am due for a change. Thanks. Roman Baker ------------------------------ End of INFO-ATARI16 Digest V89 Issue #734 *****************************************